New research to increase knowledge on migration and integration

NordForsk has now awarded funding for seven new research projects that will explore crucial topics within the field of migration and integration in the Nordic-Baltic region. Forte, together with research funders in Norway, Estonia and Lithuania, will co-fund the new projects.
In February 2024, NordForsk opened the call; Research projects under the Nordic-Baltic initiative for migration and integration research. Seven projects have now been granted funding in the call which, among other things, aim to contribute with knowledge that can improve society’s opportunities to facilitate integration.
– Research about international migration is included in one of Forte’s areas of coordination. Therefore we have been active in working with this call from the start and we contribute with 20 million SEK to the granted projects. Now it will be very interesting to follow the research and see what impact they lead to in society, says Johan Söderlind, Senior Research Officer at Forte.
Two of the seven funded projects have Swedish projects leaders and there are Swedish participants in six of them. Other participating researchers come from Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia and Lithuania.
– We are very pleased with the high number of proposals, in addition to the high scientific quality of the proposals. All seven granted projects address highly relevant and timely research topics within the migration and integration research field, says Bethina Strandberg-Jensen, advisor at NordForsk.
Funded projects:
- Olga Urek, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
LINC: Linguistic Integration of Refugee Children and their Families - Aina Landsverk Hagen, Oslo Metropolitan University
Practicing Hope: Challenging myths and changing narratives of youth in super-diverse urban communities - Andreas Kotsadam, The Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research
Effects of Integration Policies on Long Run Outcomes in 3 Nordic Countries - Maarja Saar, Mid Sweden University
Who Takes Care of the Elderly When We Leave? Negotiating Care in Transnational Families in the Nordic-Baltic Region and Beyond
- Marcus Herz, University of Gothenburg
The Tensions of Street-level Social Work for Migrant Inclusion – Discretion, Differentiation and Deportability - Mari-Liis Jakobson, Tallinn University
Political Inclusion in an Era of Radicalization - Vikram Singh Parmar, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
PATHS- Promoting Access to Health Services through Participatory Approach: E-Health Intervention to Promote Good Health Seeking